Sign up for a Fall LIFEgroup!



Fall LIFEgroups begin in October and last through early December. So, it’s a short-term commitment! All groups are based on connecting, studying the scriptures and praying for one another. And because it’s always good to have options, we’ve got lots of different types of groups to choose from. We’ve got groups for women, for men, for young adults. We also have a number of outdoor or active groups. And of course, we’ve got lots of groups that are open to anyone and everyone.

HERE’S WHAT YOU DO NEXT:  Check out the listing of Fall LIFEgroups, and select the group you’d like to participate in. Need help or coaching on a group that will be a “best” fit for you? Contact Lyle Castellaw.


Group #SU1
Open to everybody! (singles and couples)
Leader: Ron and Nikki McDevitt
Time: Sunday, during the 11:00 a.m. service
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake Pkwy and Rockfield)
Topic: Fresh Produce:
Life in Step with the Spirit.

Group #SU2- CLOSED
Pickleball group (open to players of all levels)
Leader: Gary and Ellen Parker, Dan and Jeanne Sims
Time: Sunday, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Where: Lake Forest (Toledo and Lake Forest)
Topic: Fresh Produce: Life in Step with the Spirit
Details: Group will meet at the Sun and Sail Club.  Group is limited to 14 participants.  Cost is $5 per player per session for the court fees.

Group #SU3
Open to everybody! (singles and couples)
Gary and Pat Streed, Carolee Castellaw (host)
Time: Every other Sunday, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Mission Viejo (Marguerite and Trabuco)
Topic: Fresh Produce: Life in Step with the Spirit.

Group #TU4         
Open to everybody! (singles and couples)
Leader: John Reed
Time:  Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake & Rockfield)
Topic:  Weekend Messages. Join us as we deep dive into the fall TerraNova teaching series, “What Our World Needs Now (Galatians 5) and “While We Wait (1 & 2 Thessalonians), and have a few potlucks too. Great conversations with great people and great food! 

Group #WE2
Open to Everybody! (singles and couples)
Leader: Sandy and Suzy Boyd, Doug and Kathy Cirbo
Time: Wednesday, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Trabuco Canyon (El Toro and Ridgeline)
Topic: The Sermon on the Mount:
We will be using video material from The Bible Project to guide us through the longest and most challenging teachings that Jesus gave.  Come to the mount with us as we learn together and get deep in our relationships.

Group #SA2   
Mountain Bike Group (for men and women)
Greg Haines, Greg Goble
Time: Saturday, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Wilderness parks and trails in South Orange County
Start your Saturday out right with a ride outside! Nothing better than releasing the stress of the week by peddling it all out while building some friendships. We’ll also take time to unpack Fresh Produce: Life in Step with the Spirit.

Group #SA3   
Type: Open to everybody!
(singles and couples)
Leader: David and Angela Bruggeman
Time: Saturday, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Lake Forest (Trabuco & Lake Forest)
Topic: Romans for You!
An 8-week study including a themed meal and a discussion. This fall we dig into the first half of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome. Timothy Keller’s Romans for You study guide will lead us into a deeper understanding of the human experience and our relationship with Christ. 


Group #WE3
The Marriage Sampler (for married couples)
Leader: Glenn and Sheryl Daynes, Allen and Karen Covey
Time: Wednesday, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. 
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake Pkwy and Rockfield)
Topic: A 4-session “sampler” of Re | Engage
, a marriage enrichment experience that offers an opportunity for every marriage to move to the next level?  This is the group that will give you a “taste” for the full group experience that will take place next spring.  Be prepared to get some good tools for your marriage and have fun doing it!

Group #TH3       
Type: Young Marrieds
(40s and under).
Scott and Lindsay Simons
Time: Every other Thursday, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.    
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake Pkwy & Rockfield)
Topic: The Art of Marriage.
We will be working through a video curriculum designed to infuse our marriages with God’s purpose and beauty.  We won’t settle for a mediocre marriage; instead, we can step into a marriage that is all that God intends it to be. Come join us!
Details:  Childcare is available for preschool, and SNK’s “Midweek” runs concurrently.


Group #TU2
Inspire Women’s Bible Study AM
Time: Tuesday, 9:00 - 11:15 a.m.
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake Pkwy and Rockfield)
Topic: Practicing the Way course.  Get ready for eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. Over the fall, we will form a foundational understanding of intentional spiritual formation. We’ll explore how to follow Jesus in our busy, distracted, and increasingly secular culture.
Details: Childcare available: $45 for 1st child, $25 for each additional child (scholarships available).

Group #TU3
Inspire Women’s Bible Study PM
Leader: Deanne McCarty
Time: Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake Pkwy and Rockfield)
Topic: Practicing the Way course. 
Get ready for eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. Over the fall, we will form a foundational understanding of intentional spiritual formation. We’ll explore how to follow Jesus in our busy, distracted, and increasingly secular culture.
Details: Childcare not available.

Group #WE1
“Perspire” Walk and Study
Diane Hall
Time: Wednesday, 9:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Lake Forest Bagels and Brew
Topic: The Book of Hebrews. Perspire is a unique group that spends the first hour on physical exercise: walk 2.75 miles around the loop by Bagels and Brew. The second hour is used to explore the scriptures.
Details: Childcare is not available.

Group #TH1
MOLO AM.  Mothers of Little Ones play group (children in the infant-kindergarten stage)
Leader: Melissa Garcia
Time: Thursday, 10:30 - 11:45am
Parks located in Irvine, Mission Viejo, and Lake Forest areas
Topic: MOLO AM is a group of caring moms of little ones who support, laugh and learn with one another through the joys and challenges of living with little ones. Come join as we interact on the playground together.
Details: Childcare available.
About MOLO: MOLO is a diverse group of caring moms of little ones (kinder and under) who support, laugh and learn with one another through the joys and challenges of living with little ones. Come join us this fall to build relationships with other OC moms of little ones. You don’t have to do this alone!

Group #TH2          
MOLO PM.  Mothers of Little Ones study group (children in the infant-kindergarten stage)
Leader: Melissa Garcia
Time: Every other Thursday, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.    
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake Pkwy & Rockfield)
MOLO PM is a group of caring moms of little ones who support, laugh and learn with one another through the joys and challenges of living with little ones. Come join as we can study topics relative to young moms and have time to talk together.
Details: Childcare available.

Group #TH4       
Single Moms and women with a heart for single moms
Jackie Jordan
Time: Thursday, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.   
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake Pkwy & Rockfield)
Topic: Grow:
 Get Out of Your Head.  Thoughts holding you captive? You don't have to stay stuck. Jennie Allen’s study in the book of Philippians will help us stop the spiraling of toxic thoughts and change the way we think, believe, and act. 
Details:  Enjoy the connection dinner from 6:00 - 6:30!


Group #TU1
Type: Men’s Group
Bret Griffin, Lyle Castellaw
Time: Tuesday, 6:30 – 7:30 a.m.
Bagels and Brew Lake Forest (Lake Forest & Serrano)
Topic: Fresh Produce: Life in Step with the Spirit

Group #WE4
Leader: Jeff Lau, James Shamas
Time: Wednesday, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake Pkwy and Rockfield)
Topic: Fresh Produce:
Life in Step with the Spirit.

Group #SA1      
Type: Men’s Group
Kevin Kasper
Time: Every other Saturday, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
The Hub / 7 Whatney (Bake & Rockfield)
Topic: The Book of James.  Our walk through the books of the bible lands us on one of the most practical books of them all. Come out to connect with the guys and explore how the scriptures apply to our lives.



Group #SU2
Pickleball group (open to players of all levels)
Leader: Gary and Ellen Parker, Dan and Jeanne Sims
Time: Sunday, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Where: Lake Forest (Toledo and Lake Forest)
Topic: Fresh Produce: Life in Step with the Spirit
Details: Group will meet at the Sun and Sail Club.  Group is limited to 14 participants.  Cost is $5 per player per session for the court fees.

Group #WE1
“Perspire” Walk and Study
Diane Hall
Time: Wednesday, 9:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Lake Forest Bagels and Brew
Topic: The Book of Hebrews. Perspire is a unique group that spends the first hour on a 2.5 mile walk. The second hour is used to explore the scriptures.
Details: Childcare is not available.

Group #SA2   
Mountain Bike Group (for men and women)
Greg Haines, Greg Goble
Time: Saturday, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Wilderness parks and trails in South Orange County
Start your Saturday out right with a ride outside! Nothing better than releasing the stress of the week by peddling it all out while building some friendships. We’ll also take time to unpack Fresh Produce: Life in Step with the Spirit.